Crewe Unit was Affiliated to H.M.S.Ambuscade (hence T.S.Ambuscade - T.S. is Training Ship)
We kept close ties with the ship and had many visits and even trips on her. August 1984 we helped at Navy Days at Devonport, and in June 1984 several of us sailed on her, from Portsmouth to Lowestoft...
On that trip we were followed out of Portsmouth by HMS Jupiter, but she was soon left behind when the Ambuscade went to full speed (Type 21's were among the fastest ships in the world at the time and was fast enough to Waterski)
The following day, she answered a Mayday from a Tall Ship stuck on the Goodwin sands where the Crew assisted an RAF Wessex Helicopter, and to top the trip as we were entering Lowestoft Harbour we were treated to a Red Arrow flyby.
The big news on the TV that night, however was that HMS Jupiter had crashed into London Bridge.

On occasions some of the Ship's crew were invited to the Unit, and quite often were involved in fund raising for us.
The H.M.S. Ambuscade Association, has a wealth of info about the ship and her History
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